For almost 50 years HUMAN has been serving the healthcare sector. HUMAN’s success is based on three pillars: A broad and constantly growing portfolio of in vitro diagnostic products with Quality Made in Germany, outstanding worldwide available service, support and supply capabilities and a grown culture of partnership with our distribution partners in more than 160 countries. All together HUMAN can be regarded as a global player in the in vitro diagnostics industry.
Mission and Vision
HUMAN is one of the global players in the in-vitro diagnostics industry. We ensure that a broad and steadily growing range of products for laboratory diagnostics is made available worldwide in very good quality at competitive terms.
With our extensive sales and service network in more than 160 countries, we offer customers and users of our products individual assistance in accomplishing their daily challenges as well in realizing long-term projects. Thereby, we have been contributing to improve the health services in many places in the world for nearly 50 years.
Our actions first of all are aimed at addressing the needs and requirements of our customers. As a modern and responsible company we commit ourselves to the objectives of environmental, social and economic sustainability. As an international enterprise we appreciate all cultures and religions. At the same time we stay committed to Germany as the location where also in future the majority of our quality products will be developed and produced.
Motivated and competent employees are key to our success. We consider personal appreciation and transparency to be central elements of our corporate culture. Collectively, we pursue the goal to become one of the most attractive medium-sized employer and a sustainability pioneer in our industry.
Clinical Chemistry
HUMAN offers a broad range of routine and specialty tests in a variety of package concepts to serve the needs of modern and state of the art laboratories all over the world with performance and quality made in Germany. In the same way HUMAN analyzers and systems emphasize functionality and workflow requirements to meet contemporary customer’s and market’s demand.
HUMAN offers a broad range of commonly performed screening parameters for coagulation and fibrinolysis in liquid and lyophilized format. HUMAN‘s analyzers range from semi-automated instruments to the fully automated benchtop analyzer HumaClot Pro.
HUMAN‘s automated hematology (CBC) line of products is designed for small to large laboratories and ranges from 30 to 80 samples throughput per hour. HUMAN offers both, 3-part and 5-part differential systems with specially developed and dedicated reagents suitable for human and veterinary applications. Controls and calibrators for all systems are available on a standing order scheme.
Chemiluminescence- and fluorescence-based immunoassay systems are platforms that complement each other perfectly. HumaCLIA 150 is the ideal immunoassay system for testing in central and more remote laboratories. HumaFIA on the other hand fits into small to medium throughput laboratories and is intended to run low throughput parameters also as a backup system for HumaCLIA 150.
The HUMAN ELISA line of reagents and analyzers offers unique solutions for all sizes of laboratories from low to high throughput. All instruments and analyzers come with the HUMAN Plug&Run capability, meaning that all HUMAN ELISA assays are pre-programmed and individually validated. HUMAN ELISAs allow for flexible automation and are designed for intuitive and easy manual processing.
Rapid Tests
HUMAN offers a comprehensive line of rapid screening tests based on different technologies: immunochromatography, latex agglutination and hemagglutination.
Tests are designed and manufactured according to the high European quality standards and provide rapid and accurate results. They are easy to use, require no instrumentation and allow for a cost-effective diagnosis. HUMAN’s range covers the needs of our customers worldwide and includes tests to diagnose diseases occurring in countries with both temperate and tropical climates.
HUMAN offers an extensive line of urine test strips (for visual or automated reading) and a system for low to medium throughput laboratories.
Our available urine test strips are the 11 parameter strips and the unique 13 parameter strips (including microalbumin plus creatinine).
Diverse in line and with an ample selection of accessories HUMAN’s brand of microscopes, HumaScope, is perfectly suited for education routine laboratories and advanced life science
Laboratory Equipment
HUMAN’s line of laboratory equipment comprises of a broad range of high quality products with a modern design for all kinds of laboratories. Robust laboratory equipment with ease of use at an attractive price in HUMAN quality.
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